
We made it home to Hot Houston ...

We are home now and I have a lot of photos to go through.  The last two days we went to Hoopers Bay to a private beach at a beach cabin a local invited us to - it was so nice and relaxing.  The guys went fishing a left us there.  There were two dogs on the beach that chased fish in the water - they were so funny.  On the 4th we went to Santana's by car and then got in a boat and went to Sandy Cay - where some of the Pirates of Caribbean was filmed.  I think it is the last cay to the south in Exuma, so now I have been to the Northern part [from the Atlantis} to the southern part of the chain.  We came home on the 5th and then Taylor and I went to Canada on the 6th for a hockey school.  I will post the Sandy Cay photos soon - I have to find them!  The ones above are at Hoopers Bay -  The first two with the shells were taking at the sand-bar on the 3rd, our last day to go there and I found the big sunrise tellin shell [we call them - butterfly shells]   My husband asked me if  I was planning next summer already and I said "no" but of course I am thinking about it already!  Shhh...

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