The rain went away! Check out of our photos above from our trip so far. Now that our company left I have more time to blog and keep a journal of our trip. Friday we got here and the boys got the boat and I unpacked and they ate dinner at chat n chill. I got some Mushroom ravioli from Jp Bistro - here at February Point (it was very good.) Saturday we went to the grocery store and the liquor store. Then it was low tide and we went to the sand bar and found the sand dollars that are in the picture below. Saturday night some family came to visit and we cooked the steaks that we froze and brought in the cooler. Sunday they went fishing with a local guy and - the weather was not that good. We ( the ladies) just stayed at the house. Monday we were to go on a boat tour of other islands but it was too stormy - we hung out here at the house, the guys got to go out fishing later in the day. Tuesday, they went deep sea fishing - but didn't get anything good and we went back to the sand bar. The kids swam and snorkeled and we picked a few more sand dollars for the family to take back. Wednesday (today) they guys had a local guy take them and show them how to dive. So, tomorrow night I will update about tomorrow. We are going on a tour of the other cays of Exuma. We have of course been to Chat N Chill and St Francis, I love St Francis - they are so nice and it is a lovely place to have a drink and eat lunch or dinner. Thank you St Francis. Good night -
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