On Saturday the guys went fishing and came back around 2:30 - they ate lunch
{we brought tortillas, peanut butter and pink lemonade Crystal light from the states and we live off that} After lunch there was a rain storm so we hung out they worked on their fishing poles and I took a nap and after it cleared up, we went to the new beach a guy told my husband about that we had never been to before, it was beautiful but it didn't have many shells, mostly rocks, but I did find a few cool things. A gorgeous sea fan with purple on it and a couple of small shells that I didn't have. There was a big star fish the kids found. We took a photo with him and gently put him back. On Sunday, they fished early and we went to Chat N Chill for the pig roast. It was the most crowded I have seen it on this trip. It was fun. The kids swam with the rays after they ate. We had a lot left over {food} so we brought it home and we just had it for dinner too. There is the most beautiful red flowering tree near our house, and it has giant seed pods the kids like. I have a photo of it above. It is supposed to be nice tomorrow, we may drive to Little Exuma.
Hi, that tree is a Royal Poiniana tree.
Thanks - they are so beautiful!
Like I said on Flickr, I am so trying not to hate you:)
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